radioPanel R5 L (5 radios, new type)
Product information
proxSafe radioPanel is the perfect solution for automatic charging, issuing and returning of 2-way radio sets. The radioPanel offers 5 locking compartments for managing 2-way radios, suitable for installation in any proxSafe flex II or proxSafe racx housing with a minimum of 6 height units, allowing the combination of radioPanels and keyPanels in one cabinet only.
proxSafe radioPanels are equipped with automatic content identification. There is an integrated RFID reader in every compartment for reliable and faultless identification. The built-in feature of fail-safe opening ensures that access to 2-way radios and keys can be obtained under all circumstances. Due to RFID-Technology, the identification is extremely reliable and totally maintenance free even after many years of use.
The panel concept allows choosing from 5 up to 30 compartments in one housing or various combinations with keyPanels with numerous configurations and housings. Assembly can be modified at any time in order to meet changed requirements. proxSafe radioPanels are optimized for daily use. The radioPanel is designed for rugged operation. If required the proxSafe radioPanel can be configured to issue access on a strict rotational basis to avoid the issuing of 2-way radios which have not been fully recharged after use.
Your benefits at a glance:
- Adaptable to Different Radio Types
- Wireless Radio Identification via RFID Technology
- Emergency Opening Feature
- Compatible with proxSafe flexx II and racx Housings
- Optional Charging Control per Radio